ChillBox AC writes for the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool Book ' Juggling with food - Small and big questions about a lifetime of healthy eating' by Jaap Seidell and Jutka Halberstadt published by Atlas Contact € Man is not designed to eat every day said nutrition professor Hanno Pijl and so not at all three times a day On Friday May this proposition posited a note on the Hague Market surrounded by countless suppliers of vegetables fruit fish and nuts as well as sweets fries and other snacks He said this during a 'stand-up lecture' a kind of public lesson freely accessible to everyone With his message about healthy food Pijl literally took to the market because he was asked by the Hague Campus of Leiden University He is a professor of diabetology in Leiden specialized in the development of the avoidable form of diabetes Never before did he convey his message to the public that he would like to reach Focused on sugar
ChillBox AC salt and fat To his more or less accidental hearing of market visitors Pijl explained that people lived hundreds of thousands of years as hunter-gatherers Regularly there was nothing to eat for one or more days They ate relatively much meat and sugar only existed in the form of ripe fruit and honey So if they could get it they ate it right away just like salt and eat a lot of fat because you never know when there's something to eat Agriculture less healthy but very efficient In the meantime people have been living as farmers for thousands of years and have started to eat grains and other starchy products That is less healthy says Pijl and from that moment on people became less healthy and up to
ChillBox AC cm shorter But farming panies was much more efficient than hunting and collecting and offered more security That is why this way of food supply was winning Sugar peak inflammation A milestone for humanity was when it was able to make sugar itself first from cane later also from beets Our body is still focused on eating sugar - it gives the same kind of kick as cocaine really But it is very unhealthy Every time you eat a lot of sweets the glucose level in your blood rises and that gives an inflammatory reaction every time which can result in all sorts of diseases Eat fat To his accidental listeners Pijl advised you what to eat or not to eat Avoid industrially manufactured and refined food and stay away from white rice pasta and potatoes as much as possible What according to food professor Hanno Pijl is
ChillBox AC to eat is vegetables and fruit fatty fish some meat nuts olive oil bread only whole wheat And do you want dairy choose the full-fat varieties preferably fermented so buttermilk and cheese With the app 'Do I choose healthy' of the Nutrition Center are now products with each other in terms of in health but there will be more Meanwhile supermarket chains are participating Ekoplaza also wants to participate while only a limited number of Aldi products are included in the app and Lidl does not want to participate at all This is what the Nutrition Center reports on its website today The center responds to the often critical reactions to the appearance of the app about three weeks ago With that app on your smartphone you can scan a product after which you can see how healthy or unhealthy it is and which parable
ChillBox AC might be better The biggest criticisms are that not all products can be recognized via the app and especially that there is often no real healthier alternative The app would be 'too critical' because a lot of products contain too much salt too much sugar or wrong fats In this way 'there is never a healthy choice' However the app can help you make a healthy choice according to the Nutrition Center For example if you have little salt you can now easily see which products you have to avoid Ditto with sugar The Nutrition Center also hopes that Aldi and Lidl will provide the details of all their products Is fat really bad for your health Or are sugars and other
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